About Real Competitions

Real Competitions (or realcompetitions.com) is my personal passion-project for listing and reviewing every competition in the UK. The sole purpose of this website is to provide accurate and reliable information (and straight opinions) about the hundreds of competitions out there.

Each competition listed here will be scored and reviewed based on the same criteria, which I refer to as Real Score on this website. Before reading any of the reviews, I’d suggest you have a quick look at how Real Score is calculated, so you will be able to understand how the scoring framework functions, and which parts of are taken into account when reviewing the competitions.

Effectively, I’ve tried to come up with a way that is a fair way to review and compare the different competitions that are out there, while focusing on the key parts that I think are important to players looking for new competitions: Parts such as legitimacy of the competitions, how the competitions or draws are run, the prizes you are able to win, and also the odds of winning.

About The Author

Long story short: I am someone who is passionate about integrity and honesty (just read my Good Life Plus review as an example so you don’t have to take my word for it!). And as such, I’ve found it extremely infuriating and frustrating to see hundreds of competitions pop up in the last few years, some of which I think are borderline scams!

As I have been fairly close to one of the most popular competitions in the UK for almost a decade and learned most of their inner workings (BOTB); I thought I’d use the expertise I’ve built on the subject of competitions to build what will be the biggest and most reliable competition portal in the UK.

Therefore, I decided to take on the task of reviewing every single competition and draw I could possibly find, in an honest and straightforward way.

Also, I think these ‘smaller’ competitions (such as BOTB, 7days Performance, Rev Comps, etc.) are a lot more fun than The National Lottery for example. And I genuinely believe they provide decent odds for the possibility to win a life-changing amount of money. In contrast, what I absolutely hate and really loathe are the big lotteries (like the National Lottery), that I just consider to be more of a money-making machine that makes the odd – and rare – winner stupidly rich, while making the population on a larger scale poorer.

And as someone who has personally had their life at least partially changed by winning a competition (or a few)… I’m very confident there is a benefit to playing some of these competitions. Even if I’m still a few tens of thousands in debt (in addition to my mortgage); would I have ever been able to get on the property ladder, if I hadn’t won a couple of spot the ball competitions and draws in the past? Absolutely not! Not at least without frugally saving for a deposit for years on end. And quite honestly, with the way the last five years have been I don’t think I would have managed to save for a deposit in the first place, so I would still be paying someone else’s mortgage off instead.

In conclusion, what I’d like to achieve with this website is to provide the means for people to be able to identify the competitions that they should play and the ones they should avoid. And to be able to win a bit of money like I have – and hopefully have your life changed for the better!

– T

Frequently Asked Questions

My aim is to have this website to be the leading source of reliable information for all competitions and prize draws in the UK. You’ll eventually be able to find hundreds of competition reviews on this website, and use the information provided to find new competitions that might have better odds, or just alternatives that we think you should play instead than the ones that you’re currently looking into.

I’ve come up with a fair method of scoring and comparing the competitions (or as fair as possible), called the Real Score. In short, the Real Score of a competition will give you a quick idea of whether the competition is legitimate, and if it’s worth playing or not. We recommend looking at the criteria of the Real Score to understand how the competitions are scored and judged before making the decision to play a competition listed on this website.

You shouldn’t trust anything anywhere, really. But as far as the reviews on this website go, they’ve been made with the best intention of providing accurate information. Some of the information might be slightly outdated (as all of the content is written by one person during the free time of said person), but at least at the time of writing the reviews everything should be as accurate as humanely possible.

If you compare this website to other websites that have links to competitions, the main difference is that such websites only care about making money from referrals. I don’t really care about that, as I value integrity and doing things properly more. But don’t take my word for it! Please see my Good Life Plus review as an example of the integrity of this website – and myself.

Just let me know at investigation@realcompetitions.com, and I’ll be happy to add any UK-based competition to the list of websites to be reviewed!

If you don’t agree with the review of a competition (be it because you represent the competition, or because you have first-hand experiences with the said competition) – or if you’d like to just provide further information: Please don’t hesitate to send an email to investigation@realcompetitions.com with suggestions for amendments or information that may have been missed when reviewing a competition. The more information I have listed on this website, the better it is for everyone!

Also, please ensure that you include proof of any new information or amendment suggestions provided, or they may not be considered to be legitimate.

Finally, if you are someone who runs a competition or represents a competition reviewed on this website, and you think a review has been too harsh or negative, please get in touch and send an email explaining in detail (and with proof) the point(s) you disagree with. Otherwise, all I can offer and do is to recommend you clean up your act, by running a competition that is more legitimate, honest and transparent!

Real Competitions