7days Performance

7days Performance is an online prize competition that was originally founded in 2018. Each competition ran by 7days performance is based on the same prize draw method, where you are able to purchase a ticket for a fixed chance of winning the prize after answering a fairly simple question.
Key Information
- URL: 7daysperformance.co.uk
- Organiser: 7days Performance Limited
- Type: Competitions & Prize Draws
- Prizes: Cash, Cars, Motorcycles, Other Prizes
Review Summary
7days Performance is one of the most professionally run competitions in the UK. They take pride in their transparency, and this shows in how the draws are being performed, and how everything is documented.
They always have one main prize with a massive cash alternative (typically £120,000 to £170,000), making the competition perfect for those wanting to a life-changing amount of money. They also have a nice range of other prizes and cash prizes.
Their truly free entry draw sets them apart as well, all you need to do is to register on their website and download the app – and you can take part in their free draw completely free of charge!
7days Performance scores a Real Score of 9.5 out of 10, making them the highest scoring competition on this website (so far). If you are looking for a legitimate competition that is extremely transparent about their prize draws, and one that offers great prizes; I can highly recommend 7days Performance.
Based on the calculated Real Score, I can highly recommend the competition.
- A genuinely free entry available on the app to daily draws
- Great prizes with big cash alternatives
- Low ticket prices
- Their draw processes are incredibly transparent and legitimate - best in class!
- Higher number of total tickers for prizes compared to other competitions (which can be offset by just getting more of the cheaper tickets!)
If you wish to learn more about how I’ve calculated the Real Score for 7days Performance, please see the below sections!
Real Score
All information about the competition is very easy to find on their website. 7days Performance is organised by a limited company with the same name, and and they provide all information about their business and team in a very transparent and professional way. You are able to see their team on their website (About Us link in the footer), providing some further transparency and a nice personal and professional touch for the people behind the competition.
The previous winners and draw results can easily be seen on their website. This included a page for ‘featured’ winners where they have some of the winners posing with large cheques, but there’s also an additional page for the draw results where you are able to see each winner of the draw and this includes winners of smaller prizes such as game credit for the competition.
7days Performance is extremely transparent of their process. They use a combination of automated draws for their smaller prizes and some car draws, and for the bigger main prizes they perform the draws live using lottery machines to draw the ticket number. You are able to see the draw being done live on their YouTube Channel, and also see the previous draws too!
As an example of their effort to be as transparent as possible, they show which numbers are going in into the lottery machines:
Followed by the draw, and showing the names of the tickets and the numbers corresponding to these tickets, all done live:
For their automated draws, they even explain the technicalities of how the draw was performed – and give you the exact script and the input values so anyone who wants to can go and replicate the results if they wish! That’s very neat, and going above and beyond in proving that their draw was genuinely randomised – even if not performed live by the lottery machines.
7days Performance is running the competitions as a sort of a combination between free prize draws and prize competitions. Typically, free prize draws offer free postal route for the players to avoid being regulated by the Gambling Commission. And for prize competitions, they typically require you to answer a question to enter the competition. So in a way, 7days Performance is trying to cover both bases just in case! Additionally, they’re even asking the free postal entries to answer the question relevant to the competition to be considered as a successful entry – which is quite uncommon.
The free postal entry is positioned on the same level quite prominently as the online entry method is (which is a requirement as per the guidelines of Gambling Commission), and even if the multiple choice question isn’t exactly the most compliant entry method for prize competitions (as per my blog post on the topic) – the combination of two and the fact that 7days Performance puts some effort into changing the questions (unlike some competitions that only ask what is the capital of England for the 100000th time!), as far as compliance and legality of the competition they are one of the best ones.
As 7days Performance has been running for a long time, and they’re running their competition in such a transparent way; you could say they’ve got a pretty solid track record!
7days Performance has one the best selection of prices when comparing to other competitions. There is always one main price that has a massive cash alternative (£170,000 at the time of writing this review), and lots of several car and cash prizes to choose from.
If you were to just buy one ticket, the odds of winning are slightly lower when comparing to other competitions as the number of available tickets are higher.
However, as the ticket prizes are noticeably smaller; this gives you the flexibility of just buying more tickets to have a similar chance of winning the competition – when comparing to other competitions with similar prizes. This means that if you were to just keep buying one ticket, your odds would be slightly lower. But if you were to compare the competitions by a similar amount of money spent; the odds are actually very similar!
This can also present you with an opportunity: In case they have a draw with lots of tickets left as they haven’t sold as many as they usually do, or proportionally sold as many as other competitions may do; you are able to grab cheap entry tickets and improve your odds for less money if entering such draws!
The value 7days Performance offers is one of the best ones if comparing with other competitions. You are able to enter at a relatively low ticket price to any prize draw you wish, and you are also able to increase your odds at a relatively good value thanks to these lower ticket prizes.
Also, thanks to their free draw (that does have an up-sell of £1 to improve the free prize in case you win); you are able to be in a competition to win a life-changing amount of money for a relatively small amount of money! Just visit their website and register, and download their app to take part in the free draw!
7days Performance and the good they do through Giving Days appears to be excellent. You are able to check out the donations on their website. Additionally, individuals and companies are able to requests grants up to £5,000 for their projects that help people in need or support communities.
Finally, it the following has to be highlighted: What really sets 7days Performance apart from other companies, is that they are not promoting their donations and the good they are doing for communities on their 7days Performance website at all (at least at the time of writing this review). This means, that they actually care about the good they are doing, and are not just doing it for promotional purposes.
7days Performance deserves a full bonus point, thanks to their transparent and professional processes, and thanks to their free competition – which truly is free!
Finding all the information required for reviewing 7days Performance was quite straightforward, thanks to their extremely professional attitude about transparency… With the exception of one thing! I was extremely surprised to find out that they don’t make a massive song and dance about their charity Giving Days on their website, and almost scored them the worst possible score for Philantrophy! That’s probably as altruistic as you can be as a business: Just give to charity and donate to good causes, but don’t make it into a big selling point when trying to convince people to play your competition. Kudos guys!
– T
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Frequently Asked Questions
7days Performance isn’t just a legitimate competition, but as it turns out they are one of the most professionally run and transparent competitions in the UK. If you decide to enter 7days Performance, you can be sure to have entered a legitimate competition. Please check out my review above for more details!
Plenty of people have won 7days Performance! You are able to see who’s won the latest Live Draw on their Facebook Live Page, where you can also see how the main draws were performed, and you can also check out their Winner’s Page for more winners (including ones from their automated draws that aren’t shown on the live videos).
7days Performance is very transparent about the odds of each draw, as they show the amount of available ticket numbers. However, at a quick glance it might seem like the odds are worse than other competitions, but then again the tickets are noticeably cheaper! Effectively, when compared to the other major competitions, the odds are very similar when adjusted for the cost of ticket prices.
As an example, if you plan on spending £10 on one ticket in Rev Comps because the odds seemingly are better, by spending £10 on the cheaper tickets when entering 7days Performance – you will be able to get (roughly) the same odds of winning!
While 7days Performance does offer free postal entries… They’re not worth your time (as discussed in my blog post about free postal entries). Instead, I’d recommend having a look at their ticket prices, and hopefully you’ll come to the conclusion that it’s cheaper and more convenient to just to enter with a ticket that costs £0.20 – £0.70, than to go out of your way to post a letter (and pay for a stamp!).
Also, if you download their app; you will be able to get a free ticket in the free draws they do multiple times each week!
If you are looking for the official 7days Performance app, you should register online with 7days Performance, and then you are able to login to the app you can download from Google Play Store for Android, or App Store for iOS/iPhones.
I can highly recommend downloading their app, as it is the only way to get genuinely free tickets in their free draws! Granted, the temptation is always there to spend more when adding the free tickets to your basket – but they’re not forcing you to spend any money if you don’t want to.
Unfortunately, you’ll just need to be in it to win it. There might be the odd opportunity to enter competitions on 7days Performance that are undersold – meaning your odds will be better – but as they are a very popular competition I wouldn’t necessarily hold out on playing and spend time trying to find that one competition that only has 10% of tickets sold for a better chance of winning.
I’d recommend adding the odd few (1-5) tickets each time or each competition that would either provide you with a prize you really want – or a life-changing amount of money. Just increasing your spend to increase the chances of winning is something I’d really advise against – as that’s more or less gambling your money away. Remember to keep it fun!